Monday, July 6, 2009

The weekend

I finally got into the darkroom and printed a little bit. I am happy with how some of them turned out, but I didn't stay for long enough to do more than a couple of images and my contact prints. To say the weekend was a lazy one is an understatement. One day I looked like I hadn't showered but got dressed, another I showered but didn't bother getting dressed and in fact didn't leave the house. I did finish the roll of film left in my Hasselblad since I got it, and now have 4 rolls needing developed that I just can't get myself to do. We'll see, maybe tonight I'll get motivated.


  1. Dude, quit blogging and start developing! Don't leave us hanging.

    ...says the guy with about 40 rolls in the fridge and five gallons of xTol going bad in the cabinet.

  2. heh, i'm down to three rolls that need to be developed and I dropped off two rolls of Ektar. But man, is the Ilford XP2 and Kodak BW400CN looking really good lately for my lazy bones.
