Monday, July 13, 2009

Special Effects!

Ilford makes film called SFX 200. I've tried it before, in 35mm, and I felt like the effect it was supposed to have was missing... Its supposed to be a near infrared film, meaning that blues are dark and reds are super light. I'm not sure that it worked then, or now... but I do like the compositions here a bit more, and some of the skies are extra dark. Comments needed! Solve the mystery. A dark red (25A) filter was used because I do not have a infrared filter, and perhaps I've been misled but was told that the 25A gets the job done.


  1. Love the last one. What kind of facility is that?

    I've used SFX to no avail. Only shot a couple of rolls, but instead of looking "special" they looked "bad." I can get closer to the infrared look by shooting color and playing with the hue/saturation in photoshop.

  2. Yea, this is probably the best I've done with it. I actually liked the look of it this time, and the grain structures looked pretty nice.

    As for the facility, I've googled and googled but not found much about it. It seems like 80% of the facility is now abandoned but whats left is a "factory factory" which produces all sorts of industrial hardware for factories, machine shops, etc.
