Friday, May 8, 2009

The difficulties of wet prints

I got a used enlarger from a camera repair store because I fell in love with the way the images would pop out on contact prints while I watched.  It was an Omega C700 and the shopowner couldn't find the correct negative holder for it.  I went home with a 35mm negative holder for an Omega B22 and went to work with a hammer so it would work.  Part of the reason I wanted to do wet prints myself was because I'm cheap and have spare time.  Because the correct negative holders cost the same as I paid for the entire enlarger, I instead cut a temporary 6x4.5 negative holder out of matte board.  It seemed to work fine.  I would just raise the head so the image was about an inch over the edge of the easel on each side, and the image would look fine.  Or so I thought.

Last night I did some 11x14 prints.  I have an inexpensive easel that does 3x5, 4x6, 5x7 and 8x10.  No more no less.  The enlarger also supports images up to 11x14.  The negative holder and the lens, and the lack of easel all made for a frustrating experience and subpar prints.  Its still worth it though just to see the image pop in the developer tray.  Anyone have an old C700 negative holder they don't use in either 35mm or 6x4.5?

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