Monday, May 11, 2009

Color Films

The place I take my color films for development is closed on weekends.  So I try and get my film in before they start that day's run, and then patiently tap my feet waiting until 3 when they're done.  I still get giddy everytime I shoot slide film and possibly waste some film with silly shots just so I can get it developed.  And if I love slides in 35mm, I go absolutely gaga over 120 slide film.  I can scan both and get a big enlarged version, but more fun is putting them on a light table and enjoying them in my hands at the kitchen table.  However, I've decided that my 35mm film for color would be Ektar 100 because I've really enjoyed it thus far and it is a little cheaper.  But occasionally I let myself forget the extra cost of development of slides and shoot a roll.  Ektar has lots of latitude so when I use sunny sixteen instead of a meter (my old rangefinder's doesn't function yet) I'm happy, and the colors are fantastic.  I've shot in 120 as well, but I just love the light box too much to shoot a color negative film in 120.  If I could do color prints at home, my opinion would change but with color I'm helpless so I don't care either way.

Veliva 50, 120 

Velvia 50, 120

Ektar 100, 35mm

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