Saturday, January 23, 2010

Waistlevel Finders

Today I got out again and did some more photography. This was good as it gives me something to do during the week, mainly develop and scan some film, and also I'm excited to stick with my goal of a few rolls a week to scan. However, today was the first time I ever struggled with the Waist Level finder. For those of you who don't know what that means, see the picture. You are looking directly down into the camera, and seeing a mirror image of what you're looking at. The issue comes in trying to use it on a hillside that is steep, or use it when you're raising your tripod as high as you can to get an angle, and that means you have to get up even higher to see. So I'm sharing with you what I see as I'm out shooting with my medium format camera.

Also, I spent a decent amount of the day today near my computer so I scanned all of the images I took while I didn't have a scanner. Those will be put up bit by bit in between the other scheduled images.

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