For instance, take today. I've begun working for the school newspaper and today went out to take photos for three assignments at 5 locations. Indoors, outdoors, outdoors, outdoors, and indoors. One camera, 4 lenses, 0 rolls of film. White balance, ISO, adjusted for each place and edited once I returned home. Definitely gives digital an advantage. But I'm not that good at shooting sports indoors (yet, hopefully) so today when I shot the Gonzaga Tennis team indoors, I may have gone overboard. I shot 680 images in an hour (averaging over 10 a minute). Do you see the advantage yet? Also, with my camera set to take the second to largest file size, I can shoot 8 frames a second almost indefinitely (hence, 680 images).
So, in conclusion, please enjoy some of the photos I took while camping last Fall on film!