Saturday, November 14, 2009


I've been using the giant mirror that serves as a door for a checklist this week. I felt like its helped me get down to business with a few things. For instance, I finally went through and selected the images I feel best represent where my photography has been and is going, and have them marked to get scanned professionally. Also, I have started working on a script for a screenplay, made a storyboard for some footage I would like to get while in Alaska, cleaned up my file storage a bit, did homework, and have made serious progress on my new website I'm putting together. The new site has gotten a bit of help from my mom and my friend Nick Hand who actually went to school for making websites, and will hopefully go up in the near future. The site was a major motivation for getting the photos scanned, as I intend to put them up on the site in high quality, rather then the quick and dirty scanning I would do.

Going through all of my negatives (and slides) was quite fun. For instance, it feels like its been forever since I first got started in film photography, but the timestamp on the slides says 1/4/2009. Also, it was interesting to see what I would take pictures of, what I would have pictured and how it would turn out, and what I had learned from these experiences. It was also frustrating to a degree to see the mistakes I made and blamed on equipment, or the mistakes I made that involved processing. I spent a good two months fighting against a camera I thought was overexposing everything. Instead, the thermometer was broken and reading almost twenty degrees cooler than it actually was, meaning I was pushing all of my film. Then there was the darkroom experiences where loading film into canisters while my eyes were still adjusting meant I didn't realize the safelight was still on. But overall, it has been great fun, and I'm looking forward to the times to come with it.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is WOW! This was very insiteful! You are driven and have much to offer. Go for it! Can't wait to read your screenpaly! Mom
