Sunday, November 22, 2009

A single

Here is another image I found. Its a poorly executed scan of a poorly executed picture and for some reason I love it.

Digital Input

So out of 13,000 or so images, lets assume 8000 are digital images. This is an extremely generous estimate of how many images were scanned. In truth, the number of digital images is much higher. However, after going through my digital images, the amount I felt were good was less then my film shots. This is NOT because digital is worse, or film is better, but instead is due to how I shoot with each format. I found it interesting how sparse of a selection I felt I had of digital, especially because digital took a backseat to film rather quickly. I'd also like to point out that 9/19 images were from my trip to Europe, the first image you see here was me taking a picture of the lens when selling the camera pictured (RB67 Pro-S), and then 2 from Christmas break in Alaska, a couple from the same day of dew, and then images I've taken since getting my newest digital camera. I use the tools completely differently without even intending to. A lot of my digital work has been of events, and those I don't really consider to be "good" pictures, but more accurate images.

Slipping through the cracks

Here are a couple that didn't get in the first post for some reason...


I'm trying to redesign my website, which is another story in itself, but in doing decided to get some of my film scanned professionally, so it was scanned without random hair lines, proper color balancing, and a lot better resolution than my scanner offers. In doing so, I went back through what is a year of film photography. The images varied from slides to print film to black and white film, and from 35mm to 6x7 medium format film. I've shot through two 100 foot rolls of bulk black and white, and then a smattering of other film purchased one roll at a time. I've also shot a lot of medium format, in quite a few different cameras. And on top of that I've shot a lot of digital pictures. Doing a quick count of images stored on my computer, the number comes out to 13,136, with probably 200-300 coming from when I got my first point and shoot digital camera, to when I first got a DSLR. Going through the images made me look back at all I've done, learned, and enjoyed.

I found it was a lot easier to go through film and pick out keepers, as with digital I'll have six shots of the same subject, with little to no change. So the first batch of "looking back" images are all from film, shot in Spokane, WA or around Alaska. I'm putting them in chronological order, as well as I remember the order, to show where I started and where I'm going. Next I'll be doing a look through my digital files.