Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sony Announcements and More Waiting

I'm still waiting for my pictures from Alaska to arrive. Total, I shot 13 rolls of 120 film. SHooting 6x4.5, thats 208 pictures, which is a lot in my opinion, especially considering it was over 2 days only. Most of the shooting took place from my dad's airplane, (thanks dad) or in locations arrived at via airplane. More on those when they get here though.

In other news, today Sony let the rest of the DSLR world know it means business. They released a 24.6 megapixel camera, with a full frame sensor, that will cost $1999. The A850 uses the same sensor as the A900 and is the same sensor employed in the Nikon D3x, an $8000 camera. On the Luminous Landscape, there is already a review. The camera looks great. I had looked at the A900 and thought it was a pretty nice looking, and feeling camera, and the new camera's pricepoint makes it look extremely good. I'm still shying away from digital cameras, but with the battle extending like this, that may not last long.

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