Friday, June 12, 2009

Website is UP!

The last few days I've been busy designing and programming my website to my likings. It is now live, but will still need some more work, and definitely more images. Between going to Chicago for my brother's bachelor party and his upcoming wedding, I've spent little to no time in the darkroom, so I still haven't gotten my paper development to the level I would like. Hopefully this weekend I will have some time to work on it.

Go visit it! Total Emulsion

In other news, and to those of you who know me, it won't be news at all, I am currently in the process of selling some camera gear. I find myself rarely using some of my more expensive tools, and so am trying to reclaim some of the investment. If I can, I will be selling my digital SLR, meaning I will be film only for almost all of my work, at least for a few days until I convince myself otherwise.

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