Friday, March 26, 2010


The locks in Amsterdam and the TV Tower that the Soviets built to prove they were just as good at everything as the West (they had Swedish engineers complete it because they couldn't according to our tour guide)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Home Safe

Phew, that was a trip! And what a great trip at that with only minor setbacks. I sure did spend a lot of time traveling. At the moment, I lack the internet at home, so here are a couple of images I edited a bit and threw on a thumbdrive.

Amsterdam! The place is crazy, especially about bicycles. I will spare you a comment about cycling going to the birds.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Florence, Italy

I am currently in Florence, Italy. Its been interesting to be using my digital camera for landscapes, cityscapes, and architecture, instead of just photojournalism. The city has so much history, and so many architectural wonders, that you soon acclimate and become jaded and quit taking photographs of things that if you saw them alone, outside of Italy, would blow your mind. The weather turned a bit better today, so I have some pictures that are lit by the sun! Also, it didn't snow today which was nice, and more along the lines of what I expected from Italy. I leave tomorrow for the Netherlands, and won't have computer access (or at least that I'm currently aware of) and so won't be posting anythnig until I return home, where I will post! and POST and POST!!!! (with pictures).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010