Thursday, February 25, 2010

Low Yields on Test Roll

While I wasn't expecting much from this roll, I certainly expected more than this... I'm not sure when I'll get to the two rolls I have remaining to develop, but hopefully I get something more out of them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Push it (not to the limit)

Pushing film means pretending the film is a whole lot faster than it really is, and compensating in the darkroom. It creates excess grain, added contrast, and generally is for emergencies only. I've done it with 35mm with decent results, but the film was too grainy. Here is some shots with medium format pushed, to the same levels. I'm actually impressed. I won't hesitate to do it again.

Also maybe you'll notice that i have big pictures of small things. Hooray for extension tubes!!!

I've got two rolls left of black and white to develop, and about enough chemicals to do it before switching bottles. Due to the time I'll be leaving, I'll be saving the rest of the developer until I get back. In the meantime, if I FIND time to shoot, i'll be shooting some color! Woo hoo!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Kinetic Energy

Phew busy week! My friend came into to town, so I've not been shooting at all. I did however shoot the girls basketball game where I learned an important lesson: Always keep gear close by, behind you, and in the bag if its not in your hands. These two ended up in the crowd, but first sent some of my things, like big expensive lenses, flying. This is the last image of the series. I immediately ducked after this frame, but I'm glad I continued shooting for this fun frame.

Also, here are the last few shots I liked from my last development. Look closely at the second image. You can always click on it to enlarge it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No Butts about it

Some more images from street shooting.

Travel on the Brain

I've already begun packing despite not leaving for over two weeks. My bag has some of my stuff already in it, my desk has a pile of toiletries that will go too. Because I'm taking a single bag, a carry-on, and am traveling a lot, I'm limited my luggage and also trying to save weight. So I calculated the weight of things. For instance, right now I've decided to take roughly 15 pounds of stuff, 9 of which are camera gear. And I can't keep myself from looking at the Hassie, saying I could carry that around Europe right?

Also, the sphynx is in front of the Spokane Free Mason Temple. Explanations appreciated.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

And some more...

Here are a couple further shots. I've been keeping busy with outdoor activities the last few days, so I haven't developed at all.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Street Shooting

A couple more images from last Thursday. I was intending to go again today, however the rain made it a little less appealing...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A little A, and a little B

Some more shots from last week. These last few images were the last images I took on my "street photography tour" last week. The rest were taken with my mom while hiking in Spokane.

No, the cat wasn't on the street. It was at home. So what, theres a picture of my cat on my blog. Get over it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Street Photography..? Kinda...?

I mean it was taken on streets, and mostly but not always OF streets (sort of). Does this count? I think I did it wrong...

Waiting for the dark

To lightseal a room, you must seal the cracks around your doors, especially if they're cheap doors, and if there are windows you must seal these off. For a while, one room in the house lacked a functional window due to the black clothe covering it, and had black felt around the seams of the door. It never really worked perfectly, and it was ugly. To have it in a normal room in the house means the cats will terrorize it, and all too often you don't notice small light leaks until your eyes have fully adjusted to the dark which takes some time. So right now, I'm doing what I've done for the last few times I've developed: I'm waiting for it to get dark out, and writing the accompanying post that will be published with the images I'll develop and scan this evening. Once it gets dark, I turn off the one light that is on in the house, turn off the computer monitors, and go into the bathroom with the door shut. So far my results have been good, or at least haven't shown obvious issues from this step in the entire process, so I'm waiting for the dark.

The irony here of course is that growing up in Alaska, I always felt that I was waiting for the dark to disappear all winter long.

Anyways, these images are of some of the people I work with.

And then some of the forest again. I'm not sure whats going on on the sides. This is the "new" back, so its a little frustrating to see issues like this, but the majority are fine.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hey? Wheres the images?

Sorry! I had a visitor this week which made it easy to procrastinate developing. Tomorrow I should get one to two rolls developed, scanned, and eyeballed.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One toe at a time

I did some street photography yesterday. It was rather late though, and the light was dark and falling quickly. I am excited to get them developed, however, and see if I can find anything I like as it was fun. I also picked up some fine grain, low speed film today for when I am out shooting on a tripod with a cable release. I've tried the film before, but never when I knew what I was doing (not that I necessarily do now) and not when I felt I could utilize the added resolution (maybe I WILL blow one up to 30x40, gosh).

But the images! Here are some images I finally scanned from the period of time where I was still shooting film but had no scanner. They were taken from a car window and for the sake of the title of this post, I will consider them my first step towards street photography. I know I shot them with my dad's Nikon FM on Kodak Ektar and since I've scanned them with my new scanner and software that allows for film profiles, the colors should be good... Except the company doesn't have a profile for this type of film yet...